How to Maximise Solar Panel Efficiency Without Battery Storage
Solar energy is the hottest alternate energy generation source right now, no pun intended. At the center of this focus are solar panels, the primary energy-generating part of an entire solar power system. And, while solar panels are very efficient, there are a few ways you can bump up the energy production from your solar panels to increase your energy generation and savings even more. Of course, one of those is to get your solar panels from the best solar company in Pakistan, RS Energy, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves and firstly, understand how you can maximise solar panel efficiency without battery storage options.
One of the more common adages with solar or PV modules that solar panel companies have to deal with all the time is the efficiency point. Many like to claim that efficiency isn’t all that much of a great selling point when it comes to solar panels, but the fact is, that many solar energy system companies are now offering solar panels with more than 40 per cent efficiency, which is miles ahead of your most efficient conventional power generation sources.
Now that this misconception has been cleared and is out of the way, let us take you through some of the steps you can take to maximise the energy production from your solar panels, and how you can maximise solar panel efficiency without battery storage.
Maximising Solar Panel Efficiency: No Battery Storage
Solar panels are already very efficient when it comes to power generation. That much has been made obvious. However, there are certain practices, usually related to the upkeep and maintenance of solar panels that keep the PV modules from working to their top capacity and generating the most power for you on an ideal day. While this may be mostly related to how your panels are installed and looked after, several of these may also include other options, so look into those which suit your situation the best.
Look for CPV Solar Panels
CPV stands for concentrated photovoltaic cells, and this is an important one, a thing you should know prior to getting a solar energy company on your case. The rule is simple: the more PV cells you have on your panel, the more solar energy are they going to receive and subsequently, churn out more electricity. Look for solar panels that have more CPV per module and these will be the ones with the most efficiency. These are also readily available in Pakistan, so that’s all good.
Get Energy Management Software
Energy management software is an important part of the entire solar power infrastructure and is unfortunately something that isn’t offered by many solar energy companies in Pakistan. One exception is RS Energy, which provides a state-of-the-art energy management software with its incredible line of solar energy products. These can help you keep track of energy generation and will let you know of small tips and tricks that can prove to be very helpful in optimizing your solar panels for efficient power generation.
Don’t Forget the Upkeep!
You know what kills savings in this equation? Dust. Yes, dust. That is because solar panels accumulate dust a lot owing to their placement and position within an urban setting. Dust that settles on the surface and accumulates on spots are the same spots where PV cells take in that solar energy and give you electric power; and that dust is eating all that up. Therefore, like we’ve said beforehand, a lot of these tips are just related to good maintenance and upkeep, and upkeep is crucial if you want your solar panels to be at their most efficient throughout the peak energy generation time.
Optimising Positioning, Eliminating Shady Areas
A no-brainer here. The efficiency of a solar panel is directly proportional to the position that they are in, and how much sunlight they get during the peak hours (noon). The more optimised the position of solar panels is, the more efficient they are going to be. And the shade part also goes hand in hand with positioning. If you’ve got trees near your panels on the roof, as many people do, try trimming them and avoid creating a shady area on your panels. It’s obvious, but again, small liberties taken with upkeep and maintenance can mean the difference between big savings and nothing. Even PV modules from the best solar panel company can’t do a thing if they’re placed in a shady area.
RS Energy: The Best Solar Company in Pakistan!
As the top solar company in Pakistan, offering complete solar systems and comprehensive solar solutions designed for maximum efficiency, RS Energy is your partner for energy independence. Follow our three-step plan for your customized and personalized solar energy solution that takes into account your requirements and provides you with a solution that will energise your premises for the foreseeable future. Consider it an investment for the ages.