The Environmental Benefits of Solar Energy
The use of solar power not only benefits the environment, but also improves public health by a great margin. As such, the environmental benefits of solar energy are not just restricted to the atmosphere, but it also has considerable health benefits. By enhancing our air quality, subsequently lowering respiratory ailments, and addressing other health issues, reducing greenhouse gas emissions helps all people, and solar energy contributes heavily to this reduction.
Carbon dioxide is produced when fuel is burned to produce electricity; this gas is absorbed by the atmosphere and heavily contributes to global warming and is also among the gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. Numerous health risks are brought on by climate change, such as the expansion of infectious illnesses, drought, and hunger. By using clean solar energy, in addition to harnessing the environmental benefits of solar energy, we can reduce these effects and also enjoy the health benefits of solar energy as well. In this blog post, let’s look at the environmental benefits of solar energy, and why is it so important for the climate.
Solar energy and the environment
Non-renewable energy sources not only endanger the environment, but they also endanger the ground. The primary one and the most damaging to the climate and the environment are fossil fuels, wherein frequent oil leaks into soil harm both plants and animals. What’s more, the subsequent burning of these fossil fuels releases gases like carbon monoxide, which are highly toxic and damaging to the environment and public health.
As for renewable energy sources, they are still not as clean as solar energy. With nuclear energy, the threat of radioactive waste is high enough to offset any benefits that could have been reaped from it, but instead disasters like Fukushima and Three Mile Island are a constant reminder that nuclear energy is still not a feasible option for us and the environment, and the importance of solar energy to the environment stays unchallenged.
Lastly, all these energy generation sources require a lot of infrastructure, that is then kept as far away from residential areas and urban populations as possible. This warrants the use of expensive distribution lines to be laid from the source to the destination, which is very inefficient, as it is the primary reason why line losses and transmission losses occur, which is power lost during distribution, being a part of the process of the distributing energy by power lines over long distances.
The one energy source besides solar energy that does not harm the environment as much or has lesser environmental implications is hydropower. This is a different type of energy generation source that does not degrade the environment or emit harmful greenhouse gases. However, it is dependent on rivers and other natural sources of water, which, if used recklessly, can threaten ecosystems as well as restrict human access to drinking water.
Reliance on renewable energy sources like clean solar energy to entirely meet our needs is feasible because they are plentiful and available in abundance, and will not run out within the foreseeable future.
Why clean solar energy?
Because among all of the renewable energy sources that have been mentioned beforehand, solar energy is the only one which has slim to none downsides, but all the upsides that are commonly associated with clean, renewable energy. There are numerous environmental benefits of solar energy as discussed above, and there are many health benefits of solar energy as well, making it an extremely feasible and efficient option as far as renewable energy sources are concerned.
In addition to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, solar energy is better for the environment. It does not damage water sources or have any negative environmental effects. We need everyone to be aware of the advantages described above to create a welcoming environment for all.
Because the world’s energy demands will only increase and not decrease from now on, and since the world is slowly switching away from fossil fuels in favour of electric power, more and more acceptance for clean solar energy is required because as has been proven, solar energy is the cleanest and the most feasible option right now. With the current pace of advancements in solar technology, it is safe to assume that highly efficient photovoltaic (PV) modules will be available in the future which will harness the power of the sun to the maximum extent, and companies like RS Energy are poised to make the most out of it.
RS Energy: Best Solar Company in Pakistan!
RS Energy is the best solar company in Lahore, offering comprehensive solar energy solutions designed for maximum efficiency, and allowing consumers to tap into the renewable energy source to complement and fulfill their energy demands without depending on a troublesome grid. Experience the best of solar energy with RS Energy, the best solar company in Pakistan.