Why industrial solar solutions are a gamechanger for Pakistan?

30 August 2024 | 2 min read

Solar energy provides a viable and efficient alternative to conventional means of generating energy. For industrial purposes, where energy is absolutely crucial and the requirements are enormous, solar energy can fulfill these stringent and excessive requirements to ensure that the environment does not suffer due to pollution. With the right system and accurate load calculations, any industrial premises can use solar for not only energy efficiency, but also reliability, especially in places where the grid might be too unreliable, causing them to switch to even more environmentally damaging generators. Let’s look at how industrial solar energy systems in Pakistan can revolutionize energy for the most intensive sector for Pakistan’s economic and industrial growth.

Industrial Solar Energy Systems: What Are They?

In the case of solar energy systems, the many components and their efficiency and load size add up to different uses. For instance, residential or household solar energy solutions use the same solar panels as industrial or commercial systems would use, albeit less in number. Where the difference really materializes is in the solar inverters and the solar batteries. For industrial and commercial solar energy systems in general, solar inverters need to be robust, extremely efficient, and able to handle large loads. The batteries, similarly, need to be equally robust and efficient in order to deliver on the energy-intensive needs of any industrial unit.

In the same vein, industrial solar energy systems are designed to handle extensive energy requirements and storage capacity. For instance, in the case of Pakistan, one of the foremost industries that utilize solar energy are textile mills, which require a steady and uninterruptible supply of electricity throughout the day. Solar energy systems are perfect for such applications, since their efficiency and power delivery make them the ideal source of electricity throughout the day, and for nighttime consumption, the right configuration of batteries can help extend that during periods of low or zero sunlight, so that the supply of clean energy stays unbroken.

Let’s now look at how solar energy systems can benefit industries.

The Many Benefits of Solar for Industrial Applications

In the case of industry and manufacturing units requiring extensive energy, solar energy systems have a lot of benefits. Let’s take a quick look at these.

Decreased Operating Costs

Energy and utility bills are included in the operating costs of a business, and keeping these down is absolutely crucial for businesses to survive and remain profitable. Solar energy provides just that. Since less energy is being consumed from the grid, the operating costs go down considerably, since utility bills are cut by more than half. This provides for an increase in profitability and can allow businesses to essentially run on free electricity rather than consume from the grid and offset both operating costs and feasibility.


With a global push for the recognition of the industry base of a country as the leading polluter, it makes more sense now than ever to go solar, especially for industrial settings. Belching out smoke from generators and consuming electricity made from fossil fuels is the reason why climate change is affecting us adversely, and by switching to solar, the industrial sector can contribute to a positive change geared towards conserving the environment rather than polluting it further for material gain. It makes sense as well; since the industrial sector usually consumes more electricity than the residential sector, the difference made will be considerable as well.

Energy Reliability

Solar energy is reputed for its reliability and uninterrupted energy generation. For industrial units in places where the grid is too unreliable for a business to be feasible, like Pakistan, it makes more sense to go solar than to invest in a backup generator, which requires further resources for refueling and is terrible for the environment as well, further making it an infeasible alternative. Whereas with solar, energy reliability is the key deliverable and with an industrial solar energy system installed, business need not worry about electricity at all.

Sustainable, Maintenance-Free

Backup generators, paying extremely inflated rates for electricity can both affect the feasibility of business and erode their profitability. In the case of commercial and industrial solar energy systems, these modern advances are not only sustainable and maintenance-free, but also project a forward and environment-friendly thinking on part of the industry that has traditionally been slow and reluctant to adopt such technologies. All in all, industrial solar energy systems represent the way forward this sector of the economy should take.

The Best Industrial Solar Energy Systems in Pakistan: RS Energy!

Pakistan’s burgeoning industrial sector holds immense potential and promise in elevating the country to the next economic and industrial powerhouse. However, due to energy problems, an unreliable grid and an overreliance on an outdated energy generation system means that our industry isn’t up to task in making full use of its potential. RS Energy, one of the best solar companies in Pakistan, has solar energy solutions designed to provide maximum efficiency for industrial applications, which will not only provide the industry with the aforementioned benefits, but will also allow for unparalleled energy reliability.